
consSystem Class

    Class Precedence List

    cons, list, sequence, t


    A cons is a compound object having two components, called the car and cdr. These form a dotted pair. Each component can be any object.

    Compound Type Specifier Kind


    Compound Type Specifier Syntax
    (cons [car-typespec [cdr-typespec]])
    Compound Type Specifier Arguments

    car-typespec — a type specifier, or the symbol *. The default is the symbol *.

    cdr-typespec — a type specifier, or the symbol *. The default is the symbol *.

    Compound Type Specifier Description

    This denotes the set of conses whose car is constrained to be of type car-typespec and whose cdr is constrained to be of type cdr-typespec. (If either car-typespec or cdr-typespec is *, it is as if the type t had been denoted.)

    See Also

    Section 2.4.1 (Left-Parenthesis), Section (Printing Lists and Conses)