
sqrt, isqrtFunction


    sqrt number root

    isqrt natural natural-root

    Arguments and Values

    number, root — a number.

    natural, natural-root — a non-negative integer.


    sqrt and isqrt compute square roots.

    sqrt returns the principal square root of number. If the number is not a complex but is negative, then the result is a complex.

    isqrt returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the exact positive square root of natural.

    If number is a positive rational, it is implementation-dependent whether root is a rational or a float. If number is a negative rational, it is implementation-dependent whether root is a complex rational or a complex float.

    The mathematical definition of complex square root (whether or not minus zero is supported) follows:

    (sqrt x) = (exp (/ (log x) 2))

    The branch cut for square root lies along the negative real axis, continuous with quadrant II. The range consists of the right half-plane, including the non-negative imaginary axis and excluding the negative imaginary axis.

     (sqrt 9.0)  3.0 
     (sqrt -9.0)  #C(0.0 3.0) 
     (isqrt 9)  3 
     (sqrt 12)  3.4641016 
     (isqrt 12)  3 
     (isqrt 300)  17 
     (isqrt 325)  18 
     (sqrt 25) 
    or  5.0 
     (isqrt 25)  5 
     (sqrt -1)  #C(0.0 1.0) 
     (sqrt #c(0 2))  #C(1.0 1.0)
    Exceptional Situations

    The function sqrt should signal type-error if its argument is not a number.

    The function isqrt should signal type-error if its argument is not a non-negative integer.

    The functions sqrt and isqrt might signal arithmetic-error.

    See Also

    exp, log, Section (Rule of Float Substitutability)

    (isqrt x)  (values (floor (sqrt x)))

    but it is potentially more efficient.