


    random limit &optional random-state random-number

    Arguments and Values

    limit — a positive integer, or a positive float.

    random-state — a random state. The default is the current random state.

    random-number — a non-negative number less than limit and of the same type as limit.


    Returns a pseudo-random number that is a non-negative number less than limit and of the same type as limit.

    The random-state, which is modified by this function, encodes the internal state maintained by the random number generator.

    An approximately uniform choice distribution is used. If limit is an integer, each of the possible results occurs with (approximate) probability 1/limit.

    (<= 0 (random 1000) 1000)  true 
    (let ((state1 (make-random-state)) 
          (state2 (make-random-state))) 
      (= (random 1000 state1) (random 1000 state2)))  true
    Side Effects

    The random-state is modified.

    Exceptional Situations

    Should signal an error of type type-error if limit is not a positive integer or a positive real.

    See Also

    make-random-state, *random-state*


    See Common Lisp: The Language for information about generating random numbers.