with-standard-io-syntax | Macro |
with-standard-io-syntax {form}* → {result}*
forms — an implicit progn.
Within the dynamic extent of the body of forms, all reader/printer control variables, including any implementation-defined ones not specified by this standard, are bound to values that produce standard read/print behavior. The values for the variables specified by this standard are listed in Figure 23–1.
Variable | Value |
*package* | The CL-USER package |
*print-array* | t |
*print-base* | 10 |
*print-case* | :upcase |
*print-circle* | nil |
*print-escape* | t |
*print-gensym* | t |
*print-length* | nil |
*print-level* | nil |
*print-lines* | nil |
*print-miser-width* | nil |
*print-pprint-dispatch* | The standard pprint dispatch table |
*print-pretty* | nil |
*print-radix* | nil |
*print-readably* | t |
*print-right-margin* | nil |
*read-base* | 10 |
*read-default-float-format* | single-float |
*read-eval* | t |
*read-suppress* | nil |
*readtable* | The standard readtable |
(with-open-file (file pathname :direction :output) (with-standard-io-syntax (print data file))) ;;; ... Later, in another Lisp: (with-open-file (file pathname :direction :input) (with-standard-io-syntax (setq data (read file))))