simple-condition-format-control, simple-condition-format-arguments | Function |
simple-condition-format-control condition → format-control
simple-condition-format-arguments condition → format-arguments
condition — a condition of type simple-condition.
format-control — a format control.
format-arguments — a list.
simple-condition-format-control returns the format control needed to process the condition’s format arguments.
simple-condition-format-arguments returns a list of format arguments needed to process the condition’s format control.
(setq foo (make-condition 'simple-condition :format-control "Hi ~S" :format-arguments '(ho))) → #<SIMPLE-CONDITION 26223553> (apply #'format nil (simple-condition-format-control foo) (simple-condition-format-arguments foo)) → "Hi HO"
simple-condition, Section 9.1 (Condition System Concepts)