make-condition | Function |
make-condition type &rest slot-initializations → condition
type — a type specifier (for a subtype of condition).
slot-initializations — an initialization argument list.
condition — a condition.
Constructs and returns a condition of type type using slot-initializations for the initial values of the slots. The newly created condition is returned.
(defvar *oops-count* 0) (setq a (make-condition 'simple-error :format-control "This is your ~:R error." :format-arguments (list (incf *oops-count*)))) → #<SIMPLE-ERROR 32245104> (format t "~&~A~%" a) ⊳ This is your first error. → NIL (error a) ⊳ Error: This is your first error. ⊳ To continue, type :CONTINUE followed by an option number: ⊳ 1: Return to Lisp Toplevel. ⊳ Debug>